How to Log in to TradeLocker
Follow these steps to log in to your TradeLocker account:
Visit the FundingPips website and log in to your account with your credentials.
Once logged in, choose the account you want to trade with, then click on "Credentials."
A pop-up will appear displaying your password. Copy this password to use later.
After copying the password, click the Start Trading button to proceed to TradeLocker.
In the TradeLocker login screen, type in the email associated with your FundingPips account.
Make sure to select Demo as your account type in the login interface.
Paste the password you copied earlier from your FundingPips dashboard into the password field.
In the Server field, type FPIPS to ensure you're connecting to the correct server.
Finally, click the Sign In button to access your TradeLocker account and begin trading.