After passing the evaluation stage, you have the option to either combine your Master accounts into one or keep them separate—it's entirely up to you.
A Master account can only be merged with another Master account from the same evaluation model.
1 Step Model Master accounts can be merged with other 1 Step Model Master accounts.
2 Step Model Master accounts can be merged with other 2 Step Model Master accounts.
FundingPips Pro Master accounts can be merged with other FundingPips Pro Master accounts.
Merging accounts is not supported in the FundingPips Zero Model.
When merging master accounts, the trading platform and reward cycle of the newly merged account will be based on the first purchased account.
For the 2 Step Model and FundingPips Pro, merging master accounts will result in the merge of the Lot Exposure Limit.
Example: You have merged a $25,000 and $50,000 Master account, which results in a Maximum Lot Exposure Limit of 30 lots (10 lots + 20 lots).